Hi Izzah, I hope you always fine while you study hard to prepare UN also SNMPTN this year.
I heard from your Dad that you will continue study at UNPAD,UI communication or FSRD ITB visual communication design. It is amazing...
Study at University at least 5 years will change your mind set, knowledge, and your behaviour.
In my opinion I prefer that you choose study at FSRD ITB visual communication rather than UNPAD or UI. This is NOT because my husband and your Dad were studied at ITB, but in fact they have excellent environmet such as academic atmosphere, integrated curriculum, best lecturer, and smart friend. These environment will enhance not only your knowledge but also your critical thinking.
I always pray ISTIKHARAH for anything that I think it's important in my life; for example, study at University until PhD, married, working. I believe ALLAH will choose the best option to me for my future life.
So, good luck my dearest Izzah..."
bukan, itu bukan message si doi. *doi mana ya? wkwkwk*. itu message dari tante gue yang sekarang tinggal di Adelaide, Australia. yak singkat cerita tante lagi melanjutkan studinya di negeri Kangguru, dan akhirnya semua keluarga ikut kesana. uh envy abis sama trio sepupu gue, Azmi Taufik dan Rara, mereka jadi ngerasain sekolah di luar negeri.
sweet banget kan ya messagenya? iya, my dad, and my uncle (my Aunt's husband) were studied at ITB. my dad studied civil technic, and my uncle in environment technic. beda fakultas ya? tapi mereka saling kenal karena sama-sama ikut kegiatan Loedroek Jawa Timur (kalo ga salah). tau Sudjiwo Tedjo? yep, beliau itu temen deketnya Om gue, sangat dekat. satu angkatan dan sama2 aktif di kegiatan Loedroek itu. percaya atau engga, my uncle was my dad's senior at ITB, tapi akhirnya he got married with my aunt which is my dad's younger sister. lucu ya senior jadi manggil adik kelasnya dengan sebutan 'mas'. hehe :D
and i replied.....
"thanks for sending me this message, anyway.
amiiiin i also hope that i'll be able to continue my study there at FSRD ITB, because i finally found that 'art' is the thing i want to know more, and i'll enjoy it too while studying art. of course i could either use and apply the knowledge in other places. i think the knowledge will be useful, since i found that there are so many companies which need a great designer to design their products etc.
but i'm a bit afraid it wont be easy for me to do the test.well its not a big deal for me to study social subjects for the written test of SNMPTN, but actually there's also drawing test to measure the drawing skill. my friend (who also want to get to FSRD) took a drawing class since the beginning of 3rd grade, so i'm just like far left behind from him hehe
beside FSRD maybe i'll choose Communication UNPAD.
thankyou for your advices aunty,i 've had pray istikharah too last week, i'll do it again insyaAllah.
wish me get the best place hehe amiiin"
eaaaaa. dengan modal bahasa inggris yang amburadul, i tried to tell my aunt about whats on my mind. jadi ya kira-kira gitu deh. makin semangat nih mengejar Bandung <3
ya Allah, berikan aku tempat di kampus itu ya Allah, atau Unpad jurusan Komunikasi. supaya bisa ketemu ........2 tahun lagi. amin :))
pilihan mu cenderung kemana?