pic : last day of Ujian Nasional alias National Exam.
well, am super glad to say that finally the National Exam is ooooveeeer! wohoooo ♬♪
am not going to tell you about how was my feeling through these 4 days, (its too asdfghjkl, i mean hard to tell) and today is just too wonderful to be contaminated with tears and regrets. jadi seneng2 dulu deh ya, lupain dulu aja yang udah lewat. lagian ga akan bisa diapa2in lagi, tinggal doanya aja yang dimaksimalin. semoga minimal 7 amin :)
and once again, akhirnyaaa....
Stage 3 has clear!!!
so am gonna say goodbye to; buku detik-detik, 50(lebih) paket soal kelas intensif, tugas-tugas gila, dan pelajaran IPA! then am also wanna say hello again to; this blog, novels and comics, TV, laziness , projects, camera, and days-without-math. and oh, i welcome the new comer;Social Subjects. be nice ya wahai IPS, gue adalah seseorang yang dari dulu menginginkan dirimu loh. pls help me due the preparation days for SNMPTN :)
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